Health and social care services in Aberdeenshire are provided by the Aberdeenshire Health and Social Care Partnership (AHSCP). The strategic plan is a document which sets out the AHSCP's vision, and priorities it will focus on for the next 5 years.
Earlier this year you helped AHSCP begin to shape their new Strategic Plan. They have used what you told them to help shape the new plan, and once signed off it will serve as a blueprint for how they develop their services, invest their resources and spend their money over the next 5 years.
It was agreed at the August meeting of the Integration Joint Board (IJB) that the draft Strategic Plan should now go back to the public for comment and consultation.
Please see the link below where you will find a number of resources including; the full draft Strategic Plan, a Plan on a Page which provides as easy to understand overview, and a short animation which highlights how the Strategic Plan will guide the decision making over the next 5 years.
The consultation is open until 4th October 2019.