Bennachie Community Council meetings are held on the fourth Monday of every month (except July and December), at 7:00pm in St Drostans Church Hall, Commerce Street, Insch.
Members of the public are welcome to attend, but should you wish to speak at the meeting, please inform the Secretary in advance by emailing BennachieCC@outlook.com.
For all meetings, an Agenda is published and circulated by the Secretary prior to the meeting so that everyone knows what is to be discussed and can be prepared in advance. Agendas for each meeting can be found in the links below.
After each meeting, a Minute is produced to record the important matters discussed and the decisions made at the meeting. This acts as a permanent record of the Community Council's business. Copies of approved Minutes are then circulated to Members, the Local Authority and to the local community via our website and a copy is kept at Insch Library. Copies of previous approved minutes can be found in the links below.
Minutes are retained in perpetuity for future reference. Should you wish to view a copy of a historical minute not listed below, please contact the Secretary.
Upcoming Meetings
Please see below the dates for our upcoming meetings in 2024:
23rd September, 28th October and 25th November;
2025 - 27th January, 24th February, 24th March, 28th April, 26th May, AGM 23rd June and 26th August
(No Meetings are held in July or December)
During the COVID-19 pandemic BCC members continued to communicate electronically and circulate information to the wider community through our website and Facebook page.
Approved Minutes